Drivers in and around Tendring will have four National Highways road closures to watch out for this week.

And one of them is expected to cause moderate delays – with motorists facing a wait of between 10 and 30 minutes.

The latest expected works list, with notes from National Highways, shows that four closures are due to start this week:

• A120, from 9pm May 4 to 5am May 5, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A120 westbound, Elmstead Market - lane closure due to horticulture - cutting and planting works on behalf of National Highways.

• A120, from 9pm May 9 to 5am May 10, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A120 eastbound, Crockleford Heath to Hare Green - lane closure for horticulture (cutting and planting) on behalf of National Highways.

• A120, from 9pm May 9 to 4.30am May 24, moderate delays (10-30 minutes): A120 both directions, Horsley Cross to Ramsey - carriageway closure and diversion route for inspection/survey on behalf of National Highways.

• A120, from 9pm May 10 to 5am May 11, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A120 eastbound, Great Bromley - lane closure due to horticulture - cutting and planting works on behalf of National Highways.

National Highways is responsible for maintaining motorways and major A-roads, so closures of smaller roads will not be included in their schedule.