MANNINGTREE'S Earth Festival returned for its second outing, attracting more than 3,000 visitors.

Volunteers from local community group PACE Manningtree (Practical Actions for Climate and the Environment) formed the core group of festival organisers.

A wide range of stalls and activities were available for visitors throughout the day.

The town centre dedicated its entire day to holding the Earth Festival by closing down the High Street.

Bonny Williams, one of the core volunteers, said: “We’re mindful of the impact that our festival could have on the environment, so all programmes and leaflets have been printed on recycled paper and programmes will be collected for recycling again.

“Rubbish on the day was recycled according to Tendring’s recycling scheme and every effort has been made to refuse, re-use, reduce and recycle where possible.”

Bonny added: “We are absolutely thrilled with the festival - but now we are looking for action.

“We can't wait to see the new wave of projects coming online."