Chairman of the Harwich and Dovercourt Partnership, Lesley Pollard is hopeful that calls for regeneration by Tendring Council leader Mick Page will create change, but is sceptical having heard similar statements before.

“It would just be nice if something actually happened," she said.

"We have heard a lot of the same stuff for several years and we would like to see something come to fruition.

“People are great at promising things but very little ever happens, however that doesn’t mean Mick Page won’t be the one to get things kick started.

“I definitely think the windfarming industry would be the way to go and it is a shame to be always relying on retail.

“The area needs a diversity of jobs. You cannot survive on a single retail job market.”

Mrs Pollard also thinks there is money to be made from tourism, even though people are unlikely to make Harwich their final destination.

“There is a missing market at the port in terms of tourism even though it is more of a gateway and investment in that area would be great.

“However there is no difference between the money of people staying here for the short term or for the long term and paying into the economy with hotels and the like.

“I think to keep relying on opening bargain stores seems like a bit of an easy way out.”