I HAD to rinse my words last week.

I asked for my cynical letter to this paper to be withdrawn. It was.

I was at a bit of a pinnacle of dismay, my paradox being, octopuses at £5,000 or fibreglass pods for homeless at £6,000?

Which item would be a meaningful experience for young artists to decorate?

Much like Terry Gardiners ‘blades for strimmers or Muzzy Mayflower sculpture?’

Then there’s the £95m to continue the development of our estuary.

There’s a substantiated parabolic tidal flow already killing our bay.

This further development will kill it dead and might well take a few houses on Marine Parade with it.

I do hope it does take out what remains of Orwell Terrace.

That community are an inspiration of self-resilient regeneration.

Such are the prices of progress, I remain as ever, positive.

We are only months away from the time to celebrate the successful no-deal Brexit of the original Mayflower.

Yet we remain ensnared in finger-pointing and negativity.

Tony Francis

High Street, Harwich