PLANS to build a housing development in Mistley have been rejected by Tendring Council.

An outline planning application to build up to 72 homes on land north of Stourview Close was refused in a committee decision.

The decision notice, submitted to Tendring Council’s planning website, said the application did not provide “sufficient” information to satisfy the council that the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact on the Stour and Orwell estuaries.

It said: “The cumulative impact of the development in combination with other new development in proximity to these European habitat protection areas is likely to be significant and therefore unacceptable.”

Rose Builders’ plans to build up to 70 homes on the site were given approval in 2016 after Tendring Council’s planning committee visited the site.

But Tendring Council deferred a decision from its October planning committee after the company raised concerns over the amount of Section 106 money it would have to pay.

The section requires developers to make contributions to local infrastructure such as schools.

Rose Builders was originally told to pay £538,000 in Section 106 money, as well as give the council five homes for social housing.

But after the number of properties on the estate increased by two, the cost rose to £807,000.

The statement added: “A completed Section 106 obligation to secure these contributions has not been offered or secured prior to the application determination date and the application is therefore contrary to the above policy.”

A Rose Builders’ spokesman said:“It was unfortunate that the officer recommended scheme was not approved by the planning committee.

“Clearly, we respect the committee’s view.

“We are speaking with the main landowner of the site to discuss a way forward.”