PLANS to build houses on disused land in Dovercourt have been submitted.

Blueline Architectural Consultants LTD have applied for two properties to be built on the land between 71 and 77 Dockfield Avenue.

The plans seek to build two, four bedroom detached homes, claiming they will make “better and more spacious living accommodation for future occupiers”.

Hard and soft landscaping will also be carried out on the site as part of the works.

On receipt of a planning application, the local planning authority will firstly check the application to determine whether it’s complete.

Once the LPA is happy with the application, it becomes validated.

In this instance the Tree and Landscaping Officer Clive Dawson said there are no trees or other significant vegetation of concern on the application site.

However, Mr Dawson said: “The applicant does not appear to have included any details relating to the species or specification for tree, shrub or hedgerow planting in the front gardens of either property.

“If the scheme were annotated showing plant species to be incorporated into the scheme, including new tree planting in the grassed area to the front of the site, then it will be acceptable,” he added.