A SCHOOL which went through “considerable turbulence” has been told it still requires improvement despite progress being made.

Education watchdog Ofsted stated there were weaknesses in the curriculum plans for some subjects at Mistley Norman Primary School in Mistley and leaders had not ensured these areas are sufficiently well planned and sequenced.

As a result, teaching in these subjects does not build on pupils’ learning well enough as they move up the school, according to the inspector.

However, headteacher Mark Carter-Tufnell said he was proud of “huge improvements” made but admitted there is still work to do. 

Ofsted deemed the quality of education and leadership and management at the school as requiring improvement, while the behaviour and attitudes, early years provision and personal development was rated good.

Leaders were praised for focusing on improving the reading and mathematics curriculums which the inspector says has borne fruit.

But they added some subject leaders new to their roles were lacking in the knowledge and expertise needed to effectively design and implement curriculum plans in their areas.

The report added there has been “considerable turbulence” in leadership and staff since the previous inspection in January 2018, however, a new and effective senior leadership team is now in place.

The inspector praised the new team for making a good start to improving the school’s overall effectiveness.

Mr Carter-Tufnell said he felt encouraged by the feedback, adding: “We feel the evaluation is an accurate reflection of the school’s progress over the past year or so and its current strengths.

“The school has come a long way in a short space of time, and we are proud of the huge improvements acknowledged in the latest report.

“There is still work to do and we will continue to make improvements in the areas recommended by Ofsted.

“The report rightly mentions turbulence within leadership and staff since the previous inspection. However, these changes have been a part of planned and phased process towards the school securing a strong, permanent leadership and teaching team.

“As head teacher, I am confident the school is moving in the right direction. This view is also supported by our parents and carers.”