NORTH east Essex's MPs have called for stability after some Tory MPs sent letters of no-confidence in Prime Minister Liz Truss's leadership.

The pound slumped to its lowest level against the dollar since decimalisation in 1971, after Kwasi Kwarteng's announcement of borrowing-fuelled tax cuts.

It is feared a slump in the economy could trigger a rebellion from Tory backbenchers.

But Clacton MP Giles Watling warned against a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

He said: "I'm no economist, but I believe in letting people get on with it," he said in relation to the chancellor's recently announced programme of tax cuts.

"Let's give it a little time before we go down that route of calling for a vote of no confidence.

"What we need most of all right now is stability."

Harwich and North Essex MP Sir Bernard Jenkin said he was not aware of any MPs submitting letters of no confidence.

He added: "The pound dipped sharply on opening and then rose again.

"MPs opinions are not going to be swung on a few hours of trading on the foreign exchange.

"The key question is whether we can manage economic growth because that is the way we will fund the health service, pensions, schools and the police, without having to increase borrowing too much."