SCHOOL pupils were treated to a fairytale show and they did not have to leave the premises to enjoy the show.

Children from Wix and Wrabness Primary School enjoyed a drama performance of The Chronicles of Atom and Luna on Wednesday, November 16.

The Chronicles of Atom and Luna is not based on a true story, drawing on classic fairy tales, such as Hansel and Gretel.

Vanessa Lindsay, deputy headteacher and arts and culture lead, said: “Creative teaching and learning is at the heart of what we do at Wix and Wrabness.

“Our children have been enjoying creative English sessions inspired by this wonderful tale, so were thrilled to witness the performance.

“The play’s use of simple sets, puppetry and lighting added a whole new dimension and further inspiration for our children.”

The play also nods to more contemporary mythical stories for young people like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or His Dark Materials.

Sharon Sheperd, teacher at Wix and Wrabness Primary School, added: “My class are loving this project and were absolutely mesmerised by the magical performance they saw.”