A WELL attended Christmas carol service took place with notable names from the town taking part in the festivities.

The community Christmas carol service funded by Harwich Town Council and supported by Dovercourt Street Market took place on Friday, December 16, in Dovercourt High Street.

Chase Lane, Springs Meadows and Mayflower Schools opened the carol service followed by carols attendees could join in, the singing was accompanied by music from Tendring Brass.

Reverend Kirsty Emerson of St Nicolas Church said: “Residents remember the original Carol Service from their childhood.

“People would gather round a tree on the old hospital site and sing carols together on the closest Friday evening to Christmas, sadly this tradition was lost some time ago.

“Harwich Town Council wanted to bring the tradition back and very generously funded the event. Sally and Jake from Dovercourt Street Market were instrumental in this year's event.

“It was a freezing cold night but that didn't put off the hardy crowd who could warm themselves up with refreshments from Tipsy Bubbles and Amy's food stall.”

Harwich Town Council's Mayor and Mayoress Ivan Henderson and Jo Henderson were also in attendance.

If you would like to be involved in next year’s service contact Reverend Kirsty Emerson on 07956 688304.