A SWIMMING group visited a lifeboat charity to present volunteers with money raised during a holiday fundraiser.

On the evening of Thursday, February 9, Dovercourt Bay swimmers went down to Harwich Lifeboat Station and presented £445.65 to the station which was raised on Boxing Day.

The money was raised by swimmers Marcus Lafford, Jean Whitehead, John Whitehead, Lynn Bixby and Peter Edmonson who took to the waves in fancy dress.

Peter Bull, operations manager at Harwich Lifeboat Station, said: “It is amazing the different ways that people look to raise donations for our station.

“Hearing their story of entering the water and then realising that going swimming in fancy dress was very funny with them saying how heavy it suddenly became.

“It is events like this held by groups and individuals that allows the crew to save lives, truly making saving lives at sea a real community effort.”

The swimmers set up a Just Giving page which raised £240 and a further £205.65 was raised from a collection on the seafront.

Before the presentation the swimmers were given a tour of the station by crew member Leam Donn to see what their funds were going towards, they also got to meet some of the volunteers.