A BRAVE teenager hosted a special family event to fundraise for a cancer charity following his mum’s death.

Taylor Roberts, 17, hosted the memorial event at Kingsway Hall, Dovercourt, on Friday, March 24, to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

Dawn Roberts-Fuller, Taylor’s mother, died from cancer in 2019 and since then he has vowed to raise money and awareness.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Talented - The Sax Walker gave a glowing performance at the eventTalented - The Sax Walker gave a glowing performance at the event (Image: Taylor Roberts)

Taylor said: “It was really upsetting.

"I think the mother figure is the most crucial in life but my family has stuck by me.

“My uncle and aunt have become my guardians and I moved in with my nan who is 91 but still helps with me everything.”

On the day of the event, Taylor and another organiser, Gillian Plant, spent the day at Kingsway Hall setting up the venue.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Expressive - Ruby Poole showed off her impressive vocal range at the event.Expressive - Ruby Poole showed off her impressive vocal range at the event. (Image: Taylor Roberts)

Ruby Poole took to the stage at 6pm to project her amazing vocals to a range of songs to welcome the audience.

Taylor added: “As guests entered the venue they all complimented the symphony which echoed around the auditorium.”

Once Ruby Poole had left the stage, CC Dance Studios took all of the guests by surprise by performing a flash-mob.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: All Smiles - Taylor had a great time at the event whilst raising money for the charity.All Smiles - Taylor had a great time at the event whilst raising money for the charity. (Image: Taylor Roberts)

Taylor said: “Chloe Carman and all ten of the dancers had worked so hard on the performance which enlightened the audience and made everybody want to dance.”

While the guests enjoyed the acts lined up for the evening, Holly Pearce, Olivia Whyte, Sophie Rodgers and Paul McCollugh, a group of Taylor’s college teachers, sold raffle tickets for the raffle which had over 50 outstanding prizes.

Within the first hour of the event, the team had already managed to sell £500 worth of raffle tickets, with this number continuing to grow as the evening went on.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Dance Moves - CC Dance Studios performed a set on the nightDance Moves - CC Dance Studios performed a set on the night (Image: Taylor Roberts)

After the raffle was drawn and Taylor had made a speech, thanking everybody who had supported him with the event he had organised, David Walker, also known as The Sax Walker, took to the stage.

DJ Kyle Willats took over providing a range of music to round off the party.

The event raised £1551.37 for Cancer Research UK.