Historians writing a series of books detailing the history of Harwich’s pubs are set to release the fourth book in the series.

Richard Oxborrow, Lewis Peake and Harry Black are writing the series entitled Little Pub Books with previous editions already available covering The Stingray, Crown Post, The Hanover and The New Bell Inn pubs.

The fourth book will provide a fascinating history of Harwich’s oldest pub building, The Globe.

Harry Black said: “Richard, Lewis and I began this project during the pandemic and the idea was for each of Harwich’s historic pubs to have a book on its own history available for visitors to buy in the pub in which they were drinking.

“The books are proving to be popular and are an extension to the ever-growing knowledge that we have on all aspects of Harwich’s history.”

The book on The Globe is of particular interest as the building is late Elizabethan and is believed to be the family home of John Hankin who became the first Mayor of Harwich in 1604.

Little Pub Books fourth edition will be available to purchase in The Globe and is expected to launch in time for the Harwich Ale Trail which begins on Friday, April 27.

All four books so far available in the series will be available to purchase in the Harwich Society’s visitor centre on Ha’Penny Pier.