PLANS to create a hand car wash facility at a car park in Dovercourt have been thrown out after planners ruled it would have a "poor and unpracticable layout." 

A bid for a car wash in Main Road was put to Tendring Council earlier this year.

The change of use application was for the majority of the car parking area and would have been open from 9am to 5pm using pressure washers. 

The car park is currently used by business Homecraft and it will keep three spaces under the plans. 

In total 15 objections to the plans were submitted with concerns over traffic congestion, noise and suggestions it would be an "eyesore". 

Harwich Town Council objected to the plans saying it would increase noise levels and water pollution as the drainage system is "unable to cope with additional volumes of water."

They also raised concerns over traffic but Essex County Council said it "would not likely create a significant intensification."

The Tendring Council decision report said: "Due to the configuration of the parking bays, car wash service area, washing equipment and access arrangements, the development would give rise to a poor and unpracticable layout that does not result in a compatible use for this location and would impinge upon safe and convenient access for all users of the development and existing commercial unit.

"Moreover, the development would cause potential nuisance and public safety risks for users of the adjacent footpath.

"Whilst it is acknowledged that the proposal would represent a minor expansion of the current business and would not cause any adverse impact upon highway safety, residential amenity or nearby heritage assets, the concerns raised above are considered to outweigh the limited benefits of the development."