A NIGHT of silent movie magic is coming to the Electric Palace next month.

Right In The Eye, which gained a five-star review at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, presents 12 short films made by the pioneering French illusionist Georges Méliès.

Taking place on November 9, it is accompanied by three musicians playing a vast variety of familiar and eclectic instruments.

The film and live concert begins at 8pm and is suitable for the whole family.

It is the brainchild of pianist, composer and scenographer Jean-Francois Alcoléa. 

Alcoléa composed a unique and original score, reflecting the mood of each Méliès movie he picked.

The spectacle has been enjoyed by more than 130,000 people in France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Rumania, Morocco, Canada and the USA, as well as Scotland, in more than 600 performances.

Méliès was considered by his contemporaries, the Lumière brothers, to be the "creator of cinematic spectacle".

Jean-Francois Alcoléa said: "Performing Right In The Eye at the Electric Palace Harwich is something that definitely makes sense for me, knowing this is one of the oldest-built cinemas in England.

"Touring for the first time in England, I am so excited to be welcomed by the Electric Palace and very glad to share this unique experience with the community in Harwich.

"No doubt this will be a wonderful time for adults and children alike, to experience a modern show steeped in history. We are looking forward to it very much."

David Looser, chairman of the Electric Palace Harwich Trust, added: "The Electric Palace has never shown any George Méliès films before so it is wonderful that our first-time screening of his films will be as part of the amazing Right In The Eye cine-concert by the talented Jean-François Alcoléa.

"Showing silent films on our original 'silent screen' with live music is always a treat and this should be no exception."

Right In The Eye has been sponsored by the Alma Inn and Dining Rooms. 

Innkeeper Nick May said: "We are delighted to support bringing the original master of special-effects cinema to the Electric Palace. It is another wonderful opportunity for the people of Harwich to enjoy great movie-making right on their doorstep."

Tickets are £15 from www.electricpalace.com