THE characters of the Enchanted Lost Kingdom of Wyvernwood are preparing to welcome families into their world this Halloween to thwart the Wicked Witch of the East.

After failing in her attempt to overthrow Princess Arabella and take over the Enchanted Lost Kingdom last year, the Wicked Witch has returned to Wyvernwood to wreak havoc.

Youngsters aged from 2 to 12 are being invited to the magical adventure park in Alresford, near Colchester, for an immersive spooktacular adventure.

Experiences director Nick White said: “We are looking forward to a sensational Halloween.

“Excitement is building in the magical Kingdom, with Merlin, the Captain, Princess Arabella and all of the other inhabitants eagerly awaiting help from our guests to save the day from the Wicked Witch.”

“And that’s not all - another villainous rogue has entered the Kingdom through the Magic Portal – the evil Fairy Catcher of Salamanca!”

“Join the Captain, Zephyr the Dragon, Gurt the Goblin and the rest of our awesome inhabitants on a day long adventure to defeat the Wicked Witch and the Fairy Catcher.”

The magical Kingdom will be open from October 21 to 29 between 10am and 5pm.

People who arrive in their own fancy dress will also have a chance to win some fantastic prizes including copies of Wyvernwood’s very own book ‘The Captain and the Magic Compass’.

Guests are encouraged to explore the Kingdom throughout the day and collect the special ingredients needed to help Merlin create a special spell to reverse the Wicked Witch’s curse.

Everyone will then come together at the end of the day for what is promised to be a spectacular grand finale.

Mr White added: “In true Wyvernwood style, this Halloween we will be combining explorative play with immersive theatre to deliver what we are known for best – an incredible day out.

The day will reach its peak as we once more come face-to-face with the Wicked Witch of the East in a showdown, on a grand scale, that our guests will love”.

Tickets cost £55 for a family of four, £16.50 for children, £15 for adults and £13.50 for seniors. Guests under two can enter for free as can assistants.

You can find out more and book via