A POET has published his 34th poetry book in aid of a life-saving organisation dedicated to protecting seasiders from dangers of the sea.

Collin Rossini, of Main Road, Dovercourt, has released his latest poetry book, entitled A Pale Afternoon. 

The book reflects on Harwich and its surrounding areas, as well as global issues.

Mr Rossini, a former duty officer assistant at Trinity House, in Harwich, for decades, has raised many thousands of pounds over the years for the RNLI.

This includes a charity match attended by Bobby Robson and a charity cricket match at Chafford School, supported by Jock Wallace, former Scotland and Colchester United manager, who participated on the day.

Mr Rossini’s latest poetry book A Pale Afternoon is available at Turners in Dovercourt High Street for £4.95.

All proceeds go to the RNLI.