Residents, landowners and developers are invited to share their views on future developments in the area. 

Tendring Council is reviewing the Local Plan for the area and is looking for ideas as part of the Local Plan review. 

Proposals for future developments like housing, business parks and associated infrastructure, community faculties as well as wildlife areas and open spaces. 

The council’s current Local Plan is designed to run until 2023 but the review of the plan will extend the timeframe to 2041 and might bring the need to start planning for additional development to meet longer-term needs. 

Harwich and Manningtree Standard:

Andy Baker, Tendring Council cabinet member for Housing and Planning, encouraged people to think about the future use of land around them. 

He said: “While we anticipate that most of the development needed between now and 2041 is already catered for through the council’s current Local Plan – which includes the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community, and Hartley Gardens in Clacton – there is a possibility that additional land could be needed to meet projected needs in the longer-term, particularly towards the end of that period. 

Harwich and Manningtree Standard:

“It is best to start planning for the long term now, rather than leaving it too late; that’s why we are inviting suggestions now, so we can start assessing different options before coming up with any firm proposals going forward.  

“These would, in due course, be subject to full public consultation in their own right. 

“Submitting an idea, site or development proposal as part of this Call for Sites exercise does not guarantee its inclusion in the updated Local Plan; but it will help us understand what sites could potentially be available in different locations for different uses.” 

The Call for Sites consultation is open until March 18 and proposals can be submitted through the consultation page on the council’s website or post an application form to Planning Policies at Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton. 

The council recommends people give as much detail as possible in their submissions but may be contacted by the planning team later if further information is needed.