TENDRING Council's leader has highlighted the challenges facing the district in years to come.

During the annual State of the Tendring speech on March 19, council leader Mark Stephenson highlighted the council's achievements.

He said: “I believe we lead the way in Tendring, with innovative solutions, single-minded positivity, matched with a 'can-do' attitude, as we aim to work with our many partners, nationally, regionally and locally. 

“Amidst our achievements, it's crucial to briefly acknowledge looming challenges.

"Our budget confronts mounting pressure, necessitating £3million in savings over the next three years and tough decisions are undoubtedly ahead. 

“Both nationally and locally we are tackling the cost-of-living crisis, housing shortages, climate change while, internationally, conflicts persist in various countries around the world.  

Harwich and Manningtree Standard:

“Yet, rather than dwell on these challenges, I would rather look at what has already been achieved.” 

Mr Stephenson emphasised the council’s achievements, including the Sunspot development in Jaywick Sands, the completion of the Orwell Place car park and event space in Dovercourt, progress in the Freeport East project, as well as the start of works on the Honeycroft sheltered housing in Lawford. 

The council also received several Blue and Green Flags, Park Marks Awards and a Gold Accreditation in recognition of the work to support the Armed Forces as part of the Ministry of Defence’s Employers Recognition Scheme. 

Following last year’s successes are the multi-million pound Levelling Up projects, progress on the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community, as well as the development and adoption of a new Leisure and Wellbeing strategy for the district. 

Harwich and Manningtree Standard:

Mr Stephenson said: “The Council continues to face many challenges in Tendring, and I urge members to carry on contributing positively to address issues and problems as they arise.  

“There will be difficult decisions to make; it is likely that we will have to look at different ways of delivering services that will not be easy. 

“Tendring Council has shown that we can rise to challenges, through sound financial management, embracing new ways of working, the ability to adapt and change our plans in often rapid circumstances and our work with partners.”