THE new mayor of Harwich has been officially announced following a traditional ceremony which has been held for centuries.

Harwich's mayor making, which has been celebrated for more than 400 years, took place on Thursday as councillor Pam Morrison took office.

She took part in what was a rainy procession from Guildhall to St Nicholas’ Church for a special service, all while wearing the traditional robe and black bicorne hat.  

After venturing back along Church Street to Guildhall, Pam took part in the historic kitchel throwing ceremony. 

It sees sweet buns thrown from a window of the historic Guildhall to waiting schoolchildren.

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Tradition - Mayor Pam Morrison throwing the kitchel to the children outside the Guildhall wwindowTradition - Mayor Pam Morrison throwing the kitchel to the children outside the Guildhall wwindow (Image: Steve Brading)

Pam said she found out on the day she was only the second woman to have been mayor multiple times, after first being mayor in 2016.

She said: "The weather could have been better but it did not dampen any one’s experience.

"It was a lovely church service with lots of participation by the children."

Harwich and Manningtree Standard: Kitchel - Mayor Pam Morrison throws the traditional kitchelKitchel - Mayor Pam Morrison throws the traditional kitchel (Image: Steve Brading)

Pam said despite much preparation it was a "whirlwind day" and added: "At the end of day we have 420 years of tradition.

"Harwich has more history than you can shake a stick at."