KIND-HEARTED children raised money for needy kids in Rwanda as part of a Christmas appeal.

Maralyn Bambridge, of Manningtree-based charity Engalynx, visited children at Highfields Primary School, in Lawford, to give them a talk on charity work in the country.

The youngsters set up a shop, and with help of donations from parents, raised £275 for Engalynx.

Mrs Bambridge was last week presented with a cheque to buy goats for children in Rwanda, which provide a source of income to families.

Elaine Hunt, teacher at the school, said the idea had come from the school’s council.

“The children really enjoyed setting up shop every Friday and selling all the donated items that were brought in,” she said.

“It was a whole school effort and everyone was involved right from the little ones to those in year six.”

Mrs Bambridge thanked the children for their help.

“The youngsters were very impressed by the idea of buying goats for child-headed families,” she said.

“Working with another primary school in Mwurire, the goats will be purchased and distributed to the most needy children.”